* * * Urgent: OSHA Law Update * * *
Effective Jan 13; OSHA has increased the max fine to $126,749 (from 70k) for willful (knowing the law but ignoring it) and repeat violations. You know the law – do not remain non-compliant. Get the Fall Protection Compliance Bundle today!
NEW!!! OSHA now requires you to train your crew and have a Fall Protection Program†.
1. The law applies to every company that works 6′ or more off the lower level.
2. Employees must be trained. (OSHA 10/30 is not the same.) [Using our DVD is allowed.]
3. You must have a custom Fall Protection Program and Fall Protection Site Plan.
Compliance is Fast & Affordable (and Saves Thousands)
You only need one bundle to train all of your employees. Use our OSHA fall protection training DVD and Fall Protection Compliance Bundle to train your Crew and deploy a fall protection program, site plan, and more. Contains everything on the right!
Buy Now & Save $100! Only $178 through Friday! (Free S&H through February 7)
FACT: More than $34,697,819.41 in fines were issued last year. Don’t be one of the next.
Get Compliant for only $178! ($100 off + Free S&H through February 7) coupon= SAFETY
- You/Your crew works or walks on surfaces over 6’ in height in construction;
- You/Your crew works or walks on surfaces over 4’ in height in general industry;
- You/Your crew uses vertical ladders without cages over 24 feet; and
- You/Your crew works above dangerous equipment, regardless of the height;
- You/Your crew works on forms or steel reinforcing over 6’ in height;
- You/Your crew works on scaffolding over 10’ in height;
- You/Your crew works in an articulating and/or telescoping boom lifts and bucket trucks.
If your company works in any of these situations, fall arrest systems MUST be used and your employees MUST be trained on proper safety procedures. Our Fall Protection Employee Training DVD covers each required topic to ensure your employees understand the law. Use our Fall Protection Program template as your own Fall Protection Program and Fall Protection Plan for OSHA standard 1920.28 Sub-Part M.
- Fall hazards in the work area
- Procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling, and inspecting the fall protection systems
- Use and operation of guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, safety net systems, warning line systems, safety monitoring systems, controlled access zones, and any other fall protection that employees will use
OSHA regulation 1926.503 Fall Protection Training Program, defines the training requirements a company must provide to protect employees from fall hazards. The training program must teach employees how to recognize the hazards of falling and train them in the safe work practices to minimize these hazards.
- Drastically reduce training costs with reusable, in-house program
- Increase productivity by reducing training and travel time investment
- Satisfy OSHA requirements efficiently and cost-effectively
- Access your documentation on the included Fall Protection CD
Save time and money and know that your crew are properly trained. Get the Fall Protection Compliance Bundle. See the full list of items included in the Fall Protection Compliance Bundle on the right of the page.
OSHA Fall Protection Training on DVD
We take the guesswork and frustration out of OSHA Fall Protection Compliance by providing you the tools and resources you need to train your employees. The included Fall Protection Training DVD and quiz’s ensure that your employees understand fall protection safety. All files including the Fall Protection Program and Fall Protection Plan can be edited by you. Train your employees yourself and save money! Use the Fall Protection DVD or the PowerPoint presentation and notes to conduct your own training. Use the Certificates of Completion as proof that your employees have completed the required training. The Resource CD includes more than 50 fall protection resources including jobsite and equipment inspection logs that should be used for documentation.
All for only $178! ($100 off + Free S&H through February 7) coupon= SAFETY
OSHA Fall Protection Program 
100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Not happy with your purchase? Return it for a full refund. Nothing to lose.
†If your company works in any of these situations, you must comply with OSHA Fall Protection rules and your employees MUST be trained on proper safety procedures. The Fall Protection Program (FPP) is one of the many items included in the compliance bundle. Use the included DVD to provide Fall Protection Training to your employees. The sample Fall Protection Program template is company-specific whereas the sample Fall Protection Plan template is site-specific. Need Fall Protection Safety Topics for Safety Toolbox Talks? We have those as well. Everything is included in the OSHA Fall Protection Compliance Bundle to help with OSHA fall prevention on the jobsite.
Fast & Affordable – Buy Now!
Fall Protection Compliance Bundle includes 30+ items:
- FREE: Training DVD (30 min.)
- BONUS: Spanish Training Video †
- Fall Protection Program
- Fall Protection Plan
- BONUS: Certificate of Completion
- Site Rescue Plan – NEW
- Training PowerPoint w/Notes – NEW
- Training Outline – NEW
- Certification Form
- Participant Worksheet (Eng & Esp†)
- Participant Quiz (Eng & Esp†)
- Weekly Safety Meetings Topics (12)
- QuickStart Checklist
- Training Material – NEW
- Answer Key – NEW
- Training Documentation Form
- Training Evaluation Form
- Training Record Form – NEW
- Employee Fall Accident Reporting Log
- Fall Hazard Analysis Form
- Harness Inspection Log
- Lanyard Inspection log
- OSHA Fall Protection Resources
- Fall Protection Compatibility Guide
- Fall Protection Requirements for Const.
- Fall Protection Standard 1926 Subpart M
- Wallet Cards
- Fall Protection Template
- Sample Fall Protection Plan
- Sample Fall Protection Program
- Fall Protection Training
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
NOTE: All resources are digital files that you can edit & print as many times as needed. Other places charge $250+ for each revision/copy. †† The Spanish version of the training video, quiz, and worksheet are provided as a free bonus download to all customers.